Key Points in the Design of Modern Pig Farms
Those involved in modern pig farming already know that it is a complex industry, with many variables that affect the success or failure of any farm. One of the most important points is the farm buildings; their design, placement and array of amenities, that all make a difference. From the positioning of a pig house to the facilities such as electricity, water and more, the factors can either support or impair success.
Because farm buildings rank as one of the most substantial factors, it’s a good idea to be clear about the latest advances in design. Turnkey options are available for those just beginning, and it is easy to upgrade and improve farm buildings in pre-existing properties. The issues any farmer must give attention to include:
- Functionality – A modern pig farm has farm buildings laid out to support optimal hygiene and epidemic prevention in addition to floor plans and features that support production.
- Production oriented – All farms have multiple buildings, typically within specific distances for convenience and disease control. These will include farrowing houses, nurseries, breeding houses, finishing facilities and buildings where utilities and other functions are managed.
- Connectivity – To facilitate production, good farm design will feature paths and aisles designed to optimise placement of water, utilities and other efficiencies between and within buildings.
- Stock – Modern pig farming includes attentive design that ensures pigs are have adequate space for healthier life cycles. Many farms adhere to the SEW or segregated early weaning process that boosts production, improves pig health and greatly reduces risks for disease, and optimal farm design ensures that SEW is a success.
Farms must also have long term plans in place for expansion as needed, odour control, and even placement that ensures easily controlled seasonal conditions. This constitutes a great deal of information that any pig farm must use to nurture success, and such complex issues as design, placement, plans for expansion and modern farming methods can combine to confuse farmers or stunt farm development. Fortunately, there are turnkey systems for those eager to improve upon or enter pig farming as a business. IDS Pigs offers bespoke pig farming solutions designed to meet the challenges of today’s pig farming industry as well as individual client need.
Please call us on +353 57 86 21224 to discuss our previous work and how we can assist you with your Pig Housing Project